
re-rated 9-2009; from Au Grain d'Orgeit pours a cloudy dark reddish colour with a poor head retention; the aroma is mainly dominated by honeyish notes showing some caramel, banana and herbs in the background; sweet and effervescent palate and with a quite irregular malt body; a bit sticky and without bitterness; a light acidity from the honey brings the illusion of balance; long warming honeyish aftertaste with lot of residual sugars and grassy notes

3-2004 - my swiss beer #500 ! - brown-copper colour, fine dense creamy head, subtle aroma of honey and pine, smooth with lot of carbonation, medium-bodied and lsightly oily with some acidity, th finish is dry, honeyish and acidic with some notes of alcohol - not bad at all, even if the acidity (coming from the honey or involuntary ?) is too present - thx to Alex for this one (4/7/7/3/13)

Rating (appearance,aroma,flavor,aftertaste,overall impression):


